The Department of Pathology is very actively involved in the teaching of MBBS and MD students in the form of Lectures, Practicals and demonstrations (hematology, histopathology, cytology etc.), Seminars and Tutorials.
The Blood bank is also run and managed by the Department of Pathology. Apart from supplying the whole blood, our blood bank is fully equipped with the machines required for ‘component separation and apheresis’. The department of pathology admits 4 students in MD Pathology and 1in DCP every year. Diploma in Pathology is recognized by the Medical Council of India in 2014.
Courses Offered
- MD (Pathology)
- Diploma in Clinical Pathology (DCP)
- Ph.D (Pathology)
Departmental Lab
- In the college, the department has a practical Lab where the undergraduate students perform various experiments on hematology, histopathology and cytology etc.
Clinical Lab
- In the central lab, the Department has fully equipped pathology section undertaking various tests like Complete blood counts, histopathological tests, cytological tests, FNAC, Electrophoretic tests and identification of tumor markers
Ongoing Research Work
- Fine needle aspiration cytology study of cervical lymphadenopathy.
- Study of morphology & cytochemistry of leukemias.
- Immunohistochemistry in body fluid cytology.
- Prospective study of FNAC of lesions in head & neck region.
- Clinico-histopathological study of endometrium in dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
- A comparative evaluation of bone marrow aspirate with trephine biopsy in hematological disorders.
A study of FNAC v/s Histopathology correlation in workup of breast lesions to identify diagnostic & prognostic features. - A study of liquid based cytology v/s conventional papanicolau smear examination in patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding & clinically suspected of malignancy of female genital tract.
List of Publications In The Last 3 Years
- Bhargava S, MograN, Goyal N(2013): Primary malignant melanoma of uterine cervix: A case report. J Obstet Gynaec Ind ( Accepted)
- Jain C, Mogra N, Mehta J, Diwan R, Dalala G(2013): Comparison of seropositivity of HIV, HBV, HCV, syphilis and malaria in replacement and voluntary blood donors in Western India. Int. J Current Res and Rev (IJCRR) 5(2): 1-5.
- Gupta V, Gupta MK, Bhargava S, Mogra N(2014): Cytological evaluation of premalignant and malignant oral lesions by oral brush cytology. J of Med Sc and Cl. Res(JMSCR) 2(8):2060-68.
- Jadeja P, Kaur A, Shekhar H(2014): Trend in seroprevalence of hepatitis B among blood donors NJMR4(3):205-207.
- Kaur A, Jadeja P, , Shekhar H, Mangykiya KK(2014): Study of association between ABO blood groups and diabetes mellitus. IJSN5(8): 515-517.
- Shekhar H, Kaur A, Jadeja P, Parihar PM, Mangukiya KK(2014): Frequency and distribution of ABO blood group and Rh factor in Southern Rajasthan. IJSN5(3)1-4.
- Shekhar H, Kaur A, Jadeja P, Mangukiya KK(2014): Effect of iron deficiency anemia on glycation of hemoglobin in non-diabetics. IJSN 5(3): 477-479.
- Shekhar H, Pancharia A, Chauhan S, Kaur A, Chauhan S(2014): Cytological pattern of cervical Pap’s smear in Rajasthan. IJDMR 1(3): 1-7 Shekhar H, Kaur A, Agarwal P, Pancharia Am, Jadeja P(2014): FNAC in head and neck swellings. IJMRS 2(4): 1667-1671.
- Dhadhal R, Mulchandani V, Parikh R, Joshi Ashish (2015): A cross sectuional study of prevalence of hypothyroidism in adult population of Udaipur district. Global J of Biosc & Biotech 4(1): 103 -106 .
The Pathology Department In Central Clinical Lab Contains
- 2 Fully Automated Cell Counters
- Kits For Immunohistochemistry For Diagnosis Of Various Tumors Markers Like Α- Fetoproteins,PSA Etc. In The Serum As Well As In The Tissues.
- Cytochemical Tests Of All Body Fluids & Effusions
- FNAC, USG & CT Guided FNAC For Deeper Organs
- 7 Electrophoresis Apparatus For Separation Of Plasma Proteins, Detection Of Hemoglobinopathies And Monoclonal Γ Pathies.
- Separation Of Coagulation Factors By Coagulometer