Message from Principal's Desk
Dear Students,
It is an honor and privilege to introduce our self, The Geetanjali College of physiotherapy (GCP) as one of the team member of Geetanjali University. The GCP was established in year the 2007 and within a period of very short span the college has emerged as a pioneer in field of physiotherapy education. Geographically GCP is situated in the womb of beautiful Aravali range of mountains which provides college campus a magnificent ambience. The eco friendly campus spreads over an area of 35.5 acre ensures all the needed opportunities for the physiotherapy graduate to excel in the field of education, research and management.
Physiotherapy is the health care profession which deals with restoring movement and function of the body, occurring due to variety of reasons. Physiotherapy is a good career because”IT HELPS PEOPLE KEEP MOVING”, movement is fundamental to human from childhood to adolescence and from adulthood to old age. The teaching curriculum here in GCP is focused on providing community with job ready graduates as “emphasis is on professional development”.
Ours is a college of excellence where students acquire sound theoretical base with strong practical focus, thus ensuring what ever students are learning theoretically is also experienced by them in clinical hands on posting.

Dedicated faculty members at GCP provide a supportive role to each and every individual student, thus helping successful transition to a competent health care professional .Each of our faculty is highly qualified with specialized areas of interest including-Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, Cardio-pulmonary and ICU physiotherapy, Adult and Pediatric Neurological physiotherapy, Sports physiotherapy etc. I invite you on behalf of myself and management to take the time to explore the array of opportunities that we have to offer in the field of Physical Therapy. With this hope I wish all the best for all future aspirants.
As the principal of the college I will be always committed along with my staff members to the overall development of the institute ,raising the standards of Physical therapy education No wonder, our aim is to promote excellence to needed segment of society to which we emphasize ”HEALTH IS HAPPINESS”.
We, all the members of Geetanjali University continue in an exciting period of growth in education field.
Dr. Pallav BhatnagarM.P.T. Cardio-Respiratory Therapist M.I.A.P.